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Jerusalem lost in translation

Jerusalem lost in translation.”

(In my own experience speaking on “Netanyahuomics” for the New York Times, Israel is now described as a “pariah” on the world stage, as if “the Jewish people are the enemy of the world, the enemy of the entire globe, the enemy of the United States, the enemy of the Western world,” and Israel is not only the world’s only superpower—they also have a unique “ideological imperative”)

A few months ago, I wrote on this phenomenon in a piece titled “Israel’s Jewish Lobby: American Jewish Power is in Tatters.”

That piece noted that “[t]here are two Israeli lobbying groups with close political links to the American Jewish community: the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) [of which Adler is president], which lobbies the White House and is supported by the Democratic and Republican parties바카라, and the Jewish Federations of North America (JFE). These groups are not only influential players in the U.S. Jewish community, but also represent powerful lobbies in Europe. American Jewish leaders have been critical of thesegospelhitz groups for years, though they have long been the major voice in American-Israel relations.”

This month, Adler had this to say about that, when confronted with a question about whether he believed his group’s close ties to the American Jewish community were keeping him in the shadows:

“There are other organizations I don’t like, like The Jewish Federations of North America, but the one we’ve identified with for over a decade is AIPAC, for which I was a board member from 1990 through 1998. This is just one way in which, in the last 10 years or so, and as an employee of the Jewish Federation of North America, I’m being invisible in some ways.

AIPAC lobbies Congress, often at the request of Democrats in both chambers of Congress, and AIPAC even sends their representatives to the White House.”

(And note, Adler has been an adjunct professor for AIPAC and JFNA since 2010, before heading off to the media to be the voice of the “Jewish lobby” on “Netanya바카라사이트huomics.”)

Adler isn’t alone in saying that his relationship with the American Jewish community is being hidden. There was no official statement by the AIPAC board stating whether it is a “lobby for the American Jewish community.” Neither the AIPAC board nor the American Jewish Board of Deputies issued an officia